Eagle Aerospace Academy
A Division of Eagle AMA Inc. 2008
Tampa - Orlando - Jacksonville - Fort Walton
Please contact us for information on year around study and enrollment: 407-545-1423
We grant High School elective credit
for Eagle Scout Award and
CAP Mitchell Awards
Free Tuition for Florida Students!
Introducing St. George, Utah Division
For Internal Special Scholarship consideration Contact Kenzie Thomasson UTAH Division
CALL 623-466-5413
email: eagleacademystg@gmail.com
Our Mission:
Create outstanding Aerospace Leaders!

Honor Scholarship Excellence
Career Focus and Air Force Style Leadership Training
in everything we do!
4th Grade Through 12th Grade Online School
in with remote learning from anywhere in the country!
We do not take behavior problem students
We are OPEN with Rolling Enrollment
Students can enroll anytime of the year
When your Student Enrolls we advance credit
from existing transcript with no lost study time!
Non Discrimination Policy: Eagle Aerospace Academy does not discriminate based on sex, national origin, race, religion or any other category protected by law.
For Immediate Enrollment Information Contact us:
or Call Ms Peggy Waller 407-782-2866
Just to be clear the perfect student for Eagle is usually above average and slightly bored in his or her current school and wants to focus on a career in aviation or the military.
Our students are free to study at their own pace remotely. Most our students maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher.
Early graduation with year around study is possible.
We are not a solution for bad behavior students. We do not offer Boarding.
We offer 75 Honors and AP Courses, plus focused Career Courses, and
Advanced Early Career Hands on Training.
Each Student upon enrollment has an Individual Academic Plan designed especially for them.

We are looking for Students that like Aviation and desire early career focus.
Enrollment is Rolling
We give advance Credit for partial course completion
There is no lost study time on transfer of credits from other schools
Most students improve their GPA and at the same time reduce their Core Study times.
Freeing time for extra curricular interests

Our Students Study Remote: Tuition for remote study is $700 per month, including a Proctored custom tailored study plan, and weekend training in the Cadet Program. Year around study remote is possible in any location with WIFI.
We accept students from any geographic location.
Students can graduate early due to the efficiency of our learning program.
We can customize courses to match previous course work so there is no lost time for the student. Enrollment can commence at anytime in the year! No lost credits or time.
Our method of instruction insures that your student will
maintain at least a 3.0GPA in the core curriculum and improve study habits.
Weekend Cadet Training is optional
Visit: www.EagleAcademy.Online
If you do not wish to participate in weekend Training
Interstate Corridor Tampa-Orlando-Jacksonville
Other locations with interested families
We serve 4th through 12th Grade Students!
Program of Study and Cadet Training
Tuition for Eagle AMA is $700.00 per month. Included in the $700 is our remote core curriculum study program on weekdays and our Cadet Training Program on weekends. We also have special Career and Aviation Orientation activities during the year.
Eagle students in Florida and Arizona can qualify for State Tuition Funding, contact Ms Peggy Waller at 407-782-2866 for details on scholarship funding for your student.
Compare what we offer to other private schools that offer only classroom study at tuition rates of more than double Eagle Tuition.
Remote Learning
Eagle Remote Learning is different. Eagle Staff monitors student progress and can make changes to the Individual Learning Plan as necessary to ensure student progress. Parents are kept up to date with weekly, and if necessary, daily reports. Unlike parent initiated home-school, parents keep no records and grade no school work. Eagle Staff monitors and proctors all student actions on our digital learning platform, monitor test grades and keep records. We report weekly progress to parents and if necessary, report daily progress.
Our cadets study remotely with great effectiveness and conservation of time. They study 3.5 hours or less a day to stay on pace, generally 5 days a week. We have professional Proctors that supervise the Online Study. One of our cadets completed 2 years of school in one year with a 4.0 GPA! Early graduation is possible.
Remote Study works! Since 2014, our cadets have outperformed classroom students. This is Proctored Study; we can see all student activity with our Online Curriculum Reports. This is not Home School; it is Proctored Learning, and parents are kept informed by regular reporting of progress.
Cadet Training Program
Our cadets enjoy the weekend trainings in the field, and they have no homework to worry about on the weekends. They look forward to and enjoy Military Leadership, Air Force Culture, Rifle Safety and Marksmanship, Military Vehicle, and Aviation Orientation.
Full Honors and AP Online Curriculum for
4th Grades to 12th Grade:
We have a full curriculum that is proctor monitored, with parents kept fully informed of student progress. Accredited Curriculum that is perfect for students. We improve grades and reduce study times. Remote Study on your schedule freeing time for other weekday extra curricular activity.
With each Student and Parent we setup a custom study plan designed for success! There is no lost time, when switching in the middle of a school year. With current school transcript we can advance credit for previous completed study.
Our Program is geared to make students eligible for entry to college on scholarships. Students who enroll in our courses, can select initially which courses they are interested in, and can even make up and achieve advanced status from their previous studies.
Year around transfers accepted and there is no lost study time because we have the flexibility to advance credit for completed school work.
Contact us for details. Call our Dean of Admissions, Peggy Waller at 407-782-2866.
We can work with students who have partial completions, or who may need credit recovery,with no lost credits, no lost study time, and grade improvement is possible.
Most our Cadets are able to maintain at least a 3.5 GPA! Plus, we offer ACT and SAT Test Prep!
Several of Eagle Trained Cadets have gone on to graduate from the Air Force Academy.
We are proud to report that an Eagle Trained Cadet Graduated the Air Force Academy April of 2020 and is headed o Air Force Pilot Training.
Flight Orientation Training
By FAA Regulations a Student Pilot must be 16 years old to Solo a powered
aircraft, therefore we offer a training option for younger Cadets that wish to
pursue early training for Pilot Qualification and gain by early learning with a goal to solo at or near their 16th Birthday.
We offer a combination of Flight Simulator and Flight Orientation supervised by
an FAA Flight Instructor and or experienced Commercial Pilots for during the year flight orientation activities. Flight Orientations in aircraft with Instructor may entail a small fee per flight on an Eagle Fly Day for Cadets.
If a Cadet wishes to advance to in aircraft dual instruction we can refer a Student to a qualified CFI. In aircraft flight instruction will be funded by parent pay not included in Eagle Tuition, any cost estimates will be provided by the Flight Instructor that parents and student choose to work with.
We have a highly qualified FAA Airline Transport Pilot and Certified Flight
Instructor to guide your student towards learning to fly!
Email: eagleaero2012@yahoo.com
Call 407-782-2866

Our Dog Tracking Team in training at our 14,000 acre training area. August 2022

Our Vision is a school focused on a theme of Aerospace Education and Leadership Training.
We believe in early career preparation and training with a self paced core online curriculum. 4th grade and higher students are perfect for our program of learning.
We believe that leadership training and student "buy in" to our theme is important to the success of our school. We want to give our students an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in future careers in Aerospace and Aviation.
We can accept Students anywhere in Florida
and Southern Utah
Other locations with appropriate local interest
At ITSEC 2020: An Air Force Pilot briefs Eagle Cadets on his experiences at the Air Force Academy and in Air Force Pilot Training.

C-130H Flight Simulator ITSEC 2017
Email: eagleaero2012@yahoo.com
Call 407-782-2866

ITSEC 2014 and 2015 Orlando Convention Center

Our Mission
Our Mission is to produce outstanding citizens and future leaders through a systematic core education and leadership mentoring.
One of Eagle's Trained Cadets will graduate the Air Force Academy May 2020! Our 3rd Cadet to Graduate the Air Force Academy!
We believe peer to peer interaction and hands on learning is the superior way for our cadets to learn.
You cannot learn to lead or be effective as a leader by being lectured in class. Leadership skills are best learned hands on, by being placed in a position of responsibility.
Our Cadet Corps training is executed by Veterans, and backed up by 70 years of Cadet Program experience.
Our past Organization History: Eagle Squadron has a 53 year history of training cadets leading back to McCoy AFB in 1960 and McCoy Cadet Squadron of the 1960s.
Our curriculum is flexible to the learning ability of each student.
Catering especially to home schoolers or students that want a different theme than normal public or private school humdrum lecture classes.
Private School:
Orlando and Central Florida
Huntsville, Alabama
Houston, Texas
Eagle Cadets experience C-130 H Simulator at ITSEC 2018 at the


Our Cadets gain hands on experience and real training exclusive to Eagle AMA! No other school does what we do!

Our Cadets are taught the safe use of firearms with strict range safety and discipline in the traditions of military range training. Each Cadet has the oportunity to qualify as marksman by shooting a nickel size bullseye from 40 yards away. We have access to a private shooting range for exclusive use of our cadets and training instructors. You too as a Cadet at Eagle can earn the Marksman Badge and proudly wear it on the Eagle AMA Uniform!